05 May What is Considered Self-Care?

Looking for a self-care Rx to help you feel better? Sorry, I can’t give you one. Good news, though — you can do it easily!

Self-care includes any activity or practice that you can do to achieve greater physical, mental or emotional health. Got that? I do mean anything that you can think of that brings you joy and is good for you. There is no such thing as a definitive list of self-care activities, since these activities can vary depending on your needs, whether they be physical or emotional.

Please don’t make the mistake of overlooking self-care by thinking of it as being less important than your work or family responsibilities. Think of self-care as a healthy responsibility – a must do!

Self-care is about taking care and nurturing yourself so that you can serve yourself, your job, your family, your friends, and the world in a better way! Self-care activities can help you to feel refreshed and refueled, leading to reduced anxiety and an improved relationship with yourself.

It may take some time to find self-care activities that work best for you and ones that you truly enjoy. You can get ideas from others, but only you can choose what self-care is for you!

For instance, if you find that going to a spinning class feels like pulling teeth, this may not be the kind of self-care you need. I once had a friend take me to her spin class and all I could think was how I never wanted to go back. My whole life I’ve been surrounded by runners – you know, people who love to run! I’ve heard on repeat how going for a good run can clear my head and give me endorphins, yada yada yada. Guess what?! I hate running – like seriously hate it! It bores me, makes my feet and ankles hurt, and I just spend the whole time thinking about how I want it to be over. So, yeah, a run is not on my self-care list. However, it may be on the top of yours! I have found so many other types of physical activity that bring me joy, and those top my self-care list. Self-care activities should be enjoyable or at least help you feel better. If not, you won’t stick with them!

Confession: some self-care activities may feel like sacrifice for a moment, but they will make you feel better long-term, so they’re worth it!

For example, going to bed early enough to not feel exhausted the next day continues to be a struggle for me. I can talk myself into working late more easily than I can talk myself into letting that email go unread or that laundry go unfolded until tomorrow. That said, I know that good sleep is important for my self-care, so I’m working on reminding myself that it is a self-care activity (and I’m thankful that my DVR helps me to sleep soundly knowing that This Is Us will be waiting for me another day).

If you are relatively new to self-care practices, start small! Start with some activities you think you know you already enjoy, do them for just 3 minutes, and then build upon that. You will find and develop more self-care activities and practices as time goes on.

Lastly, it is important to remember that self-care requires actively planning these activities into your schedule and making time for yourself. Treat self-care like any other responsibility, but also remember to have fun, relax, and unwind!

Examples of Self Care Activities – What Others Can You Add (@bonviehealth)?

walking, running, cycling, lifting weights, massage therapy, talk therapy, creating routines for yourself, taking time to get organized, prepping meals or food for the week, taking time to eat at your own pace, taking time to wind down before bed, getting adequate sleep, reading a book/magazine, creating music, sewing/knitting, writing/journaling, cooking/baking, socializing with friends, going on dates, praying/meditation, yoga, eating nutritious food, saying “no” to others sometimes to say “yes” to yourself and sanity, spending time with a pet, getting outside in nature, taking a long shower or bath, leaving your desk for a solo dance party break, coloring/drawing, taking photographs that make you smile, retail therapy, seeing a movie, taking time to put on your makeup and dress up for yourself, getting your nails or hair done, casually sipping some tea/coffee without rushing off somewhere, taking time to just breathe and just be…the list is limitless!

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